Wilhelm Stekel

Wilhelm Stekel (March 18, 1868 Poland – June 25, 1940 London) was an Austrian physician and psychologist and one of Sigmund Freud‘s followers. He taught psychoanalysis to Immanuel Velikovsky.

Velikovsky on Stekel

Velikovsky writes:

“In the spring of 1933 Elisheva and I went to Vienna. On the way we visited Italy, going by train from Brindisi to Naples, to Rome, to Florence. I had already selected in advance to see Dr. Wilhelm Stekel. In a book that I had, describing various forms of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, I liked Stekel’s approach best of all. I thought that the shortest preparation and the shortest analysis would be the way that would suit me best, partly because of my temperament. Stekel was of the first generation of Freudian pupils. Freud started his work in 1895, the year I was born, and the next nine years he spent in “splendid isolation,” a time when he had no followers and no pupils, and felt best. In 1904 he had two pupils, and these were Wilhelm Stekel and Paul Federn. Stekel was a very prolific writer and intuitive thinker, and was considered a better dream interpreter, quicker in thought, than Freud”.[1]Immanuel Velikovsk, “” in ”[[Days and Years]]”, unpublished. Online at the Velikovsky Archive.

Stekel on Velikovsky

“Wilhelm Stekel described Velikovsky as “an eminent representative of the medical psychology…an idealist of the first order”. And later, to Chaim Weizmann, as “one of the most highly gifted of psychotherapists”[2]Footnote: Quoted in Ronald W. Clark, ”Freud, The Man and the Cause” (New York, 1980).[3]Immanuel Velikovsky, “About the Author” in ”[[Mankind in Amnesia]]” 1982, Doubleday & Company, ISBN 0-385-03393-1 Libary of Congress Card No: 79-7222


  1. Immanuel Velikovsky, “Home Ancestral” in Days and Years, unpublished. Online at the Velikovsky Archive.
  2. Footnote: Quoted in Ronald W. Clark, Freud, The Man and the Cause (New York, 1980).
  3. Immanuel Velikovsky, “About the Author” in Mankind in Amnesia 1982, Doubleday & Company, ISBN 0-385-03393-1 Libary of Congress Card No: 79-7222

Selected bibliography

  • Duane Vorhees, Immanuel Velikovsky’s Jewish Science, “Stekel” (unpublished)
  • Duane Leroy Voorhees, “Velikovsky: Beyond Freud”, Catastrophism and Ancient History IX:1 (Jan 1987)
  • Duane Leroy Vorhees, “Velikovsky’s Dreamwork”, Aeon III:2 (May 1993)

External links


1 Immanuel Velikovsk, “” in ”[[Days and Years]]”, unpublished. Online at the Velikovsky Archive.
2 Footnote: Quoted in Ronald W. Clark, ”Freud, The Man and the Cause” (New York, 1980).
3 Immanuel Velikovsky, “About the Author” in ”[[Mankind in Amnesia]]” 1982, Doubleday & Company, ISBN 0-385-03393-1 Libary of Congress Card No: 79-7222