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Stephen J. Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky


Stephen J. Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky (1996) is a book edited by Charles Ginenthal, with several essays commenting on some of the people who have criticised Velikovsky. It includes contributions by Irving Wolfe, Lynn E. Rose, Dwardu Cardona, David Talbott and Ev Cochrane.

Book contents

    1. The Original Velikovsky Affair, An Idea That Just Would Not Go Away, by Irving Wolfe
    2. The A.A.A.S Symposium on Velikovsky, by Charles Ginenthal
    3. The A.A.A.S. Affair From Twenty Years After, by Lynn E. Rose
    4. Henry H. Bauer and Immanuel Velikovsky, by Charles Ginenthal
    5. Beneath Bauer, by Irving Wolfe
    6. All Honorable Men, Journalists and Scientists As Misrepresenters, by Charles Ginenthal
    7. Bob Forrest and Venus As A Comet in World Mythology, by David N. Talbott and Ev Cochane
    8. Asimov in Absurdity, by Charles Ginenthal
    9. Pompous Asimov, by Irving Wolfe
    10. Stephen Jay Gould and Immanuel Velikovsky, by Charles Ginenthal
    11. A Rage to Deny – the Roots of the Velikovsky Affair, by Irving Wolfe

See also

External links