Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop


SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop (SIS C&C Workshop) is a publication of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS), published three times a year for its members since March 1978, and describing itself as:

“.. a forum for debate and discussion on the same topics as Review and was launched to provide for informal publication of material; some of which, for a variety of reasons, does not qualify for immediate inclusion in The Society’s journal but may be of great interest to members and deserving of early circulation. In this way Workshop can provide scope for the germination of ideas which, as they become more focused and clarified, may well provide material for later inclusion in Review.”[1]”About the Society’s Publications”, SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Review, July 2007, ISSN 0953-053

In 1987, the publication was renamed from SIS Workshop. It is the sister publication of SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Review (previously SIS Review).

See also

External links



1 ”About the Society’s Publications”, SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Review, July 2007, ISSN 0953-053