Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky


Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky (1978) is a special issue of the journal Kronos, a continuation of the earlier special issue, Velikovsky and Establishment Science (1977), both published in response to the 1974 AAAS Symposium, “Velikovsky’s Challenge to Science” and the conference proceedings, Scientists Confront Velikovsky (1977 Cornell University).

George Robert Talbott summarises his contribution which:

“.. focuses first upon the general problem of misrepresentation of Dr. Velikovsky’s thesis by some members of the academic scientific community, and totally demolishes the already dying assertion that “no real scientist agrees with Dr. Velikovsky”. The author, himself conservative, does indeed agree, as do others in orthodox scientific activities. This is amply shown in [Talbott’s paper] Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky; and of course in the already published Kronos articles.”[1]George Robert Talbott, “The Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus”, Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”

Talbott continues:

“What many scientists find deceitful in this Cornell publication is the pretense that scientific referees and critics are fair and objective, that the only people they attack are either “heretics” without foundation, or phonies without qualifications. As a matter of fact, they attack everyone and each other as well. Asimov properly cites the cases of Mayer and Joule who were generally ignored in relation to the prestigious academic Helmholtz, and others admit that good ideas were hooted down and mocked – but with Velikovsky the matter is “different”. He is an “exoheretic” with a crackpot theory.”[2]George Robert Talbott, “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”, Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”

Issue contents

3   The Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus George Robert Talbott
4 Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky
9 Velikovsky and the Temperature of Venus
11 Temperature History of a Large Mass
26   A Note on the Temperature of Venus C. J. Ransom
28   The Weakness of the Venus Greenhouse Theory Immanuel Velikovsky
33   “Just Plainly Wrong”: A Critique of Peter Huber (Second Installment)   Lynn E. Rose
70   On Morrison: Some Further Remarks Ralph E. Juergens
80   The Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge (Concluded) Alban Wall
98   Vox Populi
101   ASH (Continued)
iii   Contributors

Publishing info

  • Velikovsky and Establishment Science (Kronos Vol. III, No. 2 Winter 1977), ISBN 0-917994-03-5
  • Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky (Kronos Vol. IV, No. 2 Winter 1978), ISBN 0-917994-06-X


1 George Robert Talbott, “The Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus”, Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”
2 George Robert Talbott, “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”, Kronos Vol. IV No. 2 (Winter 1978) “Scientists Confront Scientists Who Confront Velikovsky”