Richard Heinberg

Richard Heinberg is an award-winning author of eight books, and co-director and Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute.[1]Post Carbon Institute Fellows” at the Post Carbon Institute web site which helps individuals and communities understand and respond to the environmental, societal, and economic crises created by our dependence on fossil fuels.

Velikovsky’s personal assistant

Heinberg became Velikovsky‘s personal assistant, moving into his Princeton home just five days before Velikovsky’s death in November 1979, staying on to help Mrs Velikovsky to prepare unpublished manuscripts.[2]”Contributors”, Kronos Vol. VI No. 2 (Winter 1981)[3]Jan Sammer, “The Velikovsky Archive”, Aeon VI:6 (Dec 2001) He has also contributed articles to the journals Kronos, and Horus, and presented talks in Princeton and Oregon.

Walter Alter writes:

“In the last years of his life, Velikovsky came to know a young man named Richard Heinberg, who had developed a passionate interest in his ideas. By the time of Velikovsky’s death, Heinberg had become a personal assistant to Velikovsky, gaining crucial insights into both his published and unpublished works. Now, fifteen years later, his books and articles, drawing on many lessons taught by Velikovsky, are creating an effect of their own. His recent Memories and Visions of Paradise was hailed by Jean Houston (noted authority on the great religions) as “a new classic in the study of the world’s psyche.” He is also the author of two other books and numerous articles on mythology, anthropology, and ecology.”[4]Honored at Recent Oregon Symposium“, Explore More magazine, Winter ’96.

Selected bibliography


  • “Letter, On the Pendulum Experiment”, Kronos Vol. V No. 4 (Summer 1980)
  • “The Garden, the Fall, and the Restoration”, Kronos vol.6 No.2, Winter 1981
  • “Historical Paradise and Collective Psychology”, Horus, Vol 1 No 1, Winter 1985
  • “Forward”, Predicting The Past: An Exploration of Myth, Science, and Prehistory by Roger William Wescott


  • Memories and Visions of Paradise: Exploring the Universal Myth of a Lost Golden Age, revised ed., (Wheaton, Ill., 1995), p. 183.
  • Resonance, Emanation Press (1977), ISBN 0920242081


  • “The Garden, the Fall and the Restoration”, Velikovsky: The Decade Ahead, Saturday, May 31, 1980, Princeton, New Jersey
  • Catastrophe, Collective Trauma, and the Origin of Civilization“, Portland Conference, Oregon 1994. Online at
  • “Environmental Catastrophes and the Changing Attitudes Towards Women, Children, Animals, and Nature”, Planetary Violence in Human History, Portland, Oregon, January 3-5, 1997

External links


1 Post Carbon Institute Fellows” at the Post Carbon Institute web site
2 ”Contributors”, Kronos Vol. VI No. 2 (Winter 1981)
3 Jan Sammer, “The Velikovsky Archive”, Aeon VI:6 (Dec 2001)
4 Honored at Recent Oregon Symposium“, Explore More magazine, Winter ’96.