Raymond Vaughan


Raymond C. Vaughan is a technician and researcher who studied at M.I.T. He has contributed to the journals Pensée and Kronos, often in collaboration with Lynn E. Rose, and for 11 years, he served as a senior editor to Kronos from issue II:2 in 1977 to the final issue XII:3 in 1988. He also attended the 1978 SIS Glasgow Conference.

Selected bibliography

  • “The Orbits of Mars, Earth and Venus”, with Lynn E. Rose, Pensée Volume 2, No. 2 May, 1972, Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered No. 1
  • “Velikovsky and the Sequence of Planetary Orbits”, with Lynn E. Rose, Pensée Volume 4, No. 3 Summer, 1974, Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered No. 8
  • “Analysis of the Babylonian Observations”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.0202 (November 1976)
  • “Orbits And Their Measurements”, Kronos vol.0203 (February 1977)
  • “Ninsianna Update”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.0503 (Spring 1980)
  • “Section II: The Artificial Insertion”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.0504 (Summer 1981)
  • “The Listing by Months: An Ancient Study of the Disappearances of Venus”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.0801 (Fall 1982)
  • “The Venus Tablets: A Fresh Approach?”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.1002 (Winter 1985)
  • “An Interim Reply To Weir”, with Lynn E. Rose, Kronos vol.1103 (Summer 1986)