Observer (pseudonym)

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“Observer” is a pseudonym used by Immanuel Velikovsky, for a series of articles that appeared in the N.Y. Post between 1947-1948, on the politics of the Middle East. Velikovsky writes:

“I published over 40 inspired articles “Observer” in N.Y. Post on the editorial page, dealing with the Middle East. They were widely read, in U.N., in Washington, by Jews, and the identity of the author was a discussed topic — nobody knew, for several months not even the editor of the Post, Thackrey, who found it out only by a trick, on the day the Israeli state was founded.”[1]Immanuel Velikovsky, Days and Years (unpublished) “America” at the Velikovsky Archive

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1 Immanuel Velikovsky, Days and Years (unpublished) “America” at the Velikovsky Archive