List of contributors to Kronos

List of Kronos contributors:

Issue Article Title Author(s) Surname
Kronos vol.0101 The New Science of Immanuel Velikovsky Thomas Alan Parry Parry
Kronos vol.0101 Phobia, Amnesia, and the Psyche Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0101 Myth, Mandala, and the Collective Unconscious David Griffard Griffard
Kronos vol.0101 Cosmology And Psychology Lewis M. Greenberg and Warner B. Sizemore Sizemore
Kronos vol.0101 The Great Terror Zvi Rix Rix
Kronos vol.0101 Schizophrenia and the Fear of World Destruction Lewis M. Greenberg and Warner B. Sizemore Sizemore
Kronos vol.0101 Velikovsky, Brasseur, And The Troano Codex John Myers and Warner B. Sizemore Sizemore
Kronos vol.0101 In Memoriam: John V. Myerst Ph.D. Editor Editor
Kronos vol.0102 From Microcosm to Macrocosm: The Fearful Symmetry of Catastrophism Lewis M. Greenberg and Warner B. Sizemore Greenberg
Kronos vol.0102 Theomachy in the Theater: on the Fringes of the Collective Amnesia John V. Myers and Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0102 Tektites and China’s Dragon Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0102 Cosmic Instability and Modern Man: An Introduction Joseph A. Soldati Soldati
Kronos vol.0102 Limitations of Astronomical Dating Methods* Donovan A. Courville Courville
Kronos vol.0102 A Note on the Term “Hyksos” Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0102 A Note on the Location of Avaris Marvin A. Luckerman Luckerman
Kronos vol.0102 A Note on the “Land of Punt” Ralph E. Juergens and Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0102 Some Preliminary Remarks About Thera and Atlantis Israel M. Isaacson (E.M.S.) Isaacson
Kronos vol.0103 The Identification of the Biblical “Queen of Sheba” with Hatshepsut, “Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia” Eva Danelius Danelius
Kronos vol.0103 Eastern Anatolia and Velikovsky’s Chronological Revisions* I Robert H. Hewsen Hewsen
Kronos vol.0103 The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra (Part I) Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0103 Saturn And Genesis Lewis M. Greenberg and Warner B. Sizemore Sizemore
Kronos vol.0103 Lunar Acquisition C. J. Ransom Ransom
Kronos vol.0103 Michelson And Meton Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0103 Making Moonshine with Hard Science Alfred de Grazia Grazia
Kronos vol.0103 Greek Estimates of the Synodic Month Livio Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0103 Can Worlds Collide? Robert W. Bass Bass
Kronos vol.0103 pc Frederic B. Jueneman Jueneman
Kronos vol.0104 Olympia Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0104 The Identification of the Biblical “Queen of Sheba” with Hatshepsut, “Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia” (Part III) Eva Danelius Danelius
Kronos vol.0104 Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times Part I Alfred de Grazia Grazia
Kronos vol.0104 The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra (Part II) Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0104 The Personal Tragedy of Albert Einstein H. C. Dudley Dudley
Kronos vol.0104 The Origins of Modern Geological Theory George Grinnell Grinnell
Kronos vol.0104 The Problem of the Frozen Mammoths Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0104 Velikovsky and the Heat of Venus Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0104 The Jupiter Effect: The Planets as Triggers of Devastating Earthquakes by John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann Robert W. Bass Bass
Kronos vol.0104 Cataclysmic Evolution Lewis M. Greenberg Bass
Kronos vol.0201 The Birth of Venus from Jupiter Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0201 The “Bulk Chemistries” of Venus and Jupiter* Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0201 The Rotational Resonances of Mercury and Venus Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0201 The Moon C. J. Ransom Ransom
Kronos vol.0201 On The Origin Of Tektites Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0201 Some Additional Comments On Tektites Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0201 The Role of Ancient Myths in Orthodox Natural Science A. M. PATERSON PATERSON
Kronos vol.0201 The Ultimate Catastrophe? H. C. Dudley Dudley
Kronos vol.0201 Paleo-Calcinology: Destruction by Fire in Pre-historic and Ancient Times — Part II Alfred de Grazia Grazia
Kronos vol.0201 Precise Synchronization Involving the Revised Chronology Jerome Colburn Colburn
Kronos vol.0201 Pygmalion, Prince of Tyre, and the el-Amarna Correspondence Bronson Feldman Feldman
Kronos vol.0201 Devi And Venus Artur Isenberg Isenberg
Kronos vol.0202 Analysis of the Babylonian Observations Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.0202 “Proofs” of the Stability of the Solar System Robert W. Bass Bass
Kronos vol.0202 The Origin and Evolution of the Comets and Other Small Bodies in the Solar System* S. K Vsekhsvyatskii Vsekhsvyatskii
Kronos vol.0202 Alexander At The Oracle Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0202 Conditioning, Coping, and Concepts A. Mann Paterson Paterson
Kronos vol.0202 Sin and the Control System* John V. Myers Myers
Kronos vol.0202 Were All Dinosaurs Reptiles? Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0202 The God-Kings and the Titans: The New World Ascendancy in Ancient Times by James Bailey Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0202 The Fire Came By: The Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion by John Baxter and Thomas Atkins Frederic B. Jueneman Jueneman
Kronos vol.0202 The Excavation Of Ebla R. H. Hewsen Hewsen
Kronos vol.0203 As Worlds Collide Earl R. Milton Milton
Kronos vol.0203 On the Convection of Electric Charge by the Rotating Earth R. E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0203 Orbits And Their Measurements Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.0203 Quartered At Yale Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0203 Dating the Great Mahabharata War: A Previously Neglected Clue Artur Isenberg Isenberg
Kronos vol.0203 Ancient Knowledge of Jupiter’s Bands and Saturn’s Rings Alfred de Grazia Grazia
Kronos vol.0203 Leonardo da Vinci: Rocks, Fossils, and Time H. James Birx Birx
Kronos vol.0204 Father Kugler’s Falling Star Malcolm Lowery Lowery
Kronos vol.0204 Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery David Griffard Griffard
Kronos vol.0204 The Domination of Astronomy Over Other Disciplines… Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0204 Jericho Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0204 Peoples of the Sea: An Art Historical Perspective… David Lorton Lorton
Kronos vol.0204 Philistines, Persians, and “Peoples of the Sea”: A Problem of Ethnic Identity Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0204 Peoples of the Sea: An Art Historical Perspective… Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0204 Astronomy and Chronology: An Assessment Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0204 A Re-examination of the Sothic Chronology of Egypt Ronald D. Long Long
Kronos vol.0301 Radiohalos And Earth History Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0301 Stability of Solid Cores in Gaseous Planets Eric W. Crew Crew
Kronos vol.0301 On the Advance Claim of Jupiter’s Radionoises Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0301 The Sun Of Night Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0301 The Birth of Vahagn: An Armenian Vision of Celestial Catastrophe? Robert H. Hewsen Hewsen
Kronos vol.0301 The Dawnseekers: the First History of American Paleontology by Robert West Howard H. JAMES BIRX BIRX
Kronos vol.0301 Ancient Transatlantic Contacts? A Review of Fell, Van Sertima, and Von Wuthenau Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0302 My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0302 Afterword Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0302 The Ten Points Of Sagan Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0302 The Velikovskian Upheaval: A Temporocentric Challenge Sidney M. Willhelm Willhelm
Kronos vol.0302 Sagan’s Folly Part 1 Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0302 Sagan’s “Ten Plagues” Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0302 “Just Plainly Wrong”: A Critique of Peter Huber Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0302 On Morrison: Some Preliminary Remarks Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0302 Velikovsky Versus Academic Lag (The Problem of Hypothesis) A. M. Paterson Paterson
Kronos vol.0302 The Venus “Greenhouse Theory” –Debunked Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0302 Sagan’s Appendices: A Quick Appendectomy C. J. Ransom Ransom
Kronos vol.0302 Asimov In Confusion L. M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0302 Some Good Advice Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0303 From the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Time of Ramses II Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0303 “Let There be Light” Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0303 Jerusalem — City of Venus Lewis M. Greenberg and Warner B. Sizemore Sizemore
Kronos vol.0304 It’s 1950 Yesterday L.M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0304 “Heaven and Earth”: Catastrophism in Hamlet Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0304 Khima And Kesil Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0304 The Mystery Of The Pleiades Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0304 Catastrophism And Planetary History Vine Deloria, Jr. Deloria
Kronos vol.0304 Geogullibility And Geomagnetic Reversals Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0304 Effects of Atmospheric Dust on the Arcus Visionis Bruce S. Maccabee Maccabee
Kronos vol.0304 Earth Magic by FRANCIS HITCHING Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0304 The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0401 Polymathicsand Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0401 Gerontology, Environment, and Geological Catastrophism Richard K. Severs Severs
Kronos vol.0401 The Aubrey Holes Of Stonehenge Alban Wall Wall
Kronos vol.0401 Abimilki, Azaru and Nikmed in the El-Amarna Correspondence and the Assyrian AnnalsS Peter J. James James
Kronos vol.0401 Eastern Anatolia and Velikovsky’s Chronological Revisions – II Robert H. Hewsen Hewsen
Kronos vol.0401 “Heaven and Earth”: Catastrophism in Hamlet Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0401 The Rare and Roasted Phoenix: A View of Claude Levi-Strauss Jack Pockman Pockman
Kronos vol.0402 The Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.0402 A Note on the Temperature of Venus C. J. Ransom Ransom
Kronos vol.0402 The Weakness of the Venus Greenhouse Theory Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0402 “Just Plainly Wrong”: A Critique of Peter Huber (Second Installment) Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0402 On Morrison: Some Further Remarks Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0402 The Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge (Concluded) Alban Wall Wall
Kronos vol.0403 The Correct Placement of Haremhab in Egyptian History Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0403 The Stones Of Ballochroy Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0403 The Cairns Of Kintraw Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0403 Venus — A Youthful Planet Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0403 Saturn As King Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0404 Velikovsky and Venus: A Preliminary Report on the Pioneer Probes Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0404 Back to the Drawing Board? Shane Mage Mage
Kronos vol.0404 Stellar Thermonuclear Energy: A False Trail? Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0404 The Photosphere: Is It the Top or the Bottom of the Phenomenon We Call the Sun? Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0404 The Electromagnetic Circularization of Planetary Orbits Chris S. Sherrerd Sherrerd
Kronos vol.0404 Two Experiments Involving Gravity and Electromagnetism Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0404 Heretics, Dogmatists and Science’s Reception of New Ideas C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0404 Group Mind in Development (Hegel and Freud) Leon Rosenstein Rosenstein
Kronos vol.0404 The Twelfth Planet: by Zecharia Sitchin Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0501 On Saturn And The Flood Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0501 Variations on a Theme of Philolaos Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0501 Megalithic Lunar Observatories — A Critique Thomas McCreery McCreery
Kronos vol.0501 The Not So Stable Sun Earl R. Milton Milton
Kronos vol.0501 Heat Transfer Models, Hothouse Calculations, and the Temperature of Venus George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.0502 The Sulman Temple In Jerusalem Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0502 Megalithic Lunar Observatories – A Critique (CONCLUDED) Thomas McCreery McCreery
Kronos vol.0502 Facts and Values: An Interdisciplinary Perspective George Vid Tomashevich Tomashevich
Kronos vol.0502 The Satellites of Neptune and the Origin of Pluto R. S. Harrington and T. C. Van Flandern Flandern
Kronos vol.0502 On Some Problems Of Venus V. A. FIRSOFF FIRSOFF
Kronos vol.0503 Cultural Aspects of the Libyan and Ethiopian Dynasties Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0503 On the Placement of Haremhab: A Critique of Gammon Dominick A. Carlucci Carlucci
Kronos vol.0503 Pharaoh Seti the Great and His Foreign Connections George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.0503 Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0503 Ninsianna Update Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.0503 The Inconstant Sun John Gribbin Gribbin
Kronos vol.0503 The Kintraw Stone Platform Thomas McCreery McCreery
Kronos vol.0504 Nor Heaven Nor Earth Have Been at Peace: The Contemporary Foundations of Shakespeare’s Cataclysmic Imagery Richard J. Jaarsma with Edward L. Odenwald Odenwald
Kronos vol.0504 The Ocean Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0504 The Ring of Comets and Meteorites Encircling Jupiter S. K. Vsekhsvyatskii Vsekhsvyatskii
Kronos vol.0504 Section II: The Artificial Insertion Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.0504 Heretics, Dogmatists and Science’s Reception of New Ideas (Part 2) C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0504 Inherent Origins of the State (Hegel and Freud) Leon Rosenstein Rosenstein
Kronos vol.0504 Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe by Fred Warshofsky Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0601 Catastrophism and the Compulsion to Meaning William Mullen Mullen
Kronos vol.0601 Nor Heaven Nor Earth Have Been at Peace: The Contemporary Foundations of Shakespeare’s Cataclysmic Imagery (Concluded) Richard J. Jaarsma with Edward L. Odenwald Odenwald
Kronos vol.0601 “The Seasons Alter”: Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0601 Shamir Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0601 On Sothic Dating: Some Preliminary Remarks Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0601 The Sothic Dating of the Twelfth and Eighteenth Dynasties Richard A. Parker Parker
Kronos vol.0601 Weighing The Anchor Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0601 Some Notes on Parker’s “Sothic Dating” Shane H. Mage Mage
Kronos vol.0601 Venus And Sirius Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0601 Calendrical Changes And Sothic Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0601 The “So-Called” Fixed Sothic Date of Sesostris III, 1872 B. C. John Dayton Dayton
Kronos vol.0602 The Gravitational-Electromagnetic Effects of Ultramassive Objects on the Solar System Michael Simon Bodner and Michael E. Brandt Brandt
Kronos vol.0602 Venus’s Internal Heat Lewis M. Greenberg and C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0602 The Secret Of Baalbek Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0602 Plato And The Catastrophist Tradition Shane H. Mage Mage
Kronos vol.0602 The Garden, the Fall, and the Restoration Richard Heinberg Heinberg
Kronos vol.0602 An Ancient Latin Name for Venus Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0602 “InSearch of Ancient Astronomies”: A Review Thomas Mccreery Mccreery
Kronos vol.0602 Flawed Search Sara Champion Champion
Kronos vol.0602 Heretics, Dogmatists and Science’s Reception of New Ideas (Part 3) C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0603 The Secret of Baalbek (Concluded) Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0603 Velikovsky In Collision David Stove Stove
Kronos vol.0603 Sagan vs. Sagan Shulamit Kogan Kogan
Kronos vol.0603 Krupp And Velikovsky Thomas McCreery McCreery
Kronos vol.0603 Saturn And Voyager Earl R. Milton Milton
Kronos vol.0603 Electromagnetic-Gravitational Coupling Phenomena in the Saturn Ring System Michael E. Brandt and Michael Simon Bodner Bodner
Kronos vol.0603 “The Seasons Alter”: Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Continued) Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0603 A Note On Shakespeare’s Cataclysmic Imagery Richard J. Jaarsma Jaarsma
Kronos vol.0603 Venus’s Internal Heat: An Update C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0604 Orphic Hymns And Astronomy Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0604 On “the Year -687” Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
Kronos vol.0604 Calendars Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0604 The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0604 Cuban Prehistory Aurelio Ruiz-Lafont Ruiz-Lafont
Kronos vol.0604 Asimov’s Guide to the Velikovsky Affair Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0604 Heretics, Dogmatists and Science’s Reception of New Ideas (Part 4) C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0604 Venus’s Greenhouse: Premature Sufficiency? C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0604 Editorial Statement . . . L. M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.0701 Collective Amnesia: A Brief History of the Concept Thomas L. Ferté Ferté
Kronos vol.0701 An Empirical Approach to Collective Amnesia David Griffard Griffard
Kronos vol.0701 Collective Amnesia In Everyday Life Jerome A. Kroth Kroth
Kronos vol.0701 A Holographic World Marilyn Ferguson Ferguson
Kronos vol.0701 Metron Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0701 Precursors Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0701 Child of Saturn (Part I) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0701 Jupiter — God of Abraham (Part I) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0701 Haremhab: Assyrian Vassal or XVIIIth Dynasty Pharaoh? Geoffrey Gammon Gammon
Kronos vol.0702 On the Circularization of the Orbit of Venus Ragnar Forshufvud Forshufvud
Kronos vol.0702 Child of Saturn (Part II) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0702 Chronos And Kronos Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0702 Jupiter — God of Abraham (Part II) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0702 Aristotle’s Tragedy: An Example of Collective Amnesia Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0702 Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Part I) Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0703 Child of Saturn (Part III) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0703 Vishnu Born Of Shiva Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0703 Indra Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0703 Brhaspati Roger Ashton Ashton
Kronos vol.0703 The Ankh Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0703 The Twenty-One Years of Venus Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0703 Collective Amnesia and the Catastrophic Basis of Soap Opera (Concluded) Irving Wolfe Wolfe
Kronos vol.0703 Behold Thy Gods, O Israel Jeroboam and the Israelite Revolution Shane H. Mage Mage
Kronos vol.0703 Venus: Volcanism and Hot-Fudge C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0704 How To Defuse A Feud Norman Macbeth Macbeth
Kronos vol.0704 Alternatives in Science: The Secular Creationism of Heribert Nilsson Bennison Gray Gray
Kronos vol.0704 “Ever Since Darwin”: A Review Peter J. James James
Kronos vol.0704 Darwin’s Unfalsifiable Theory Tom Bethell Bethell
Kronos vol.0704 On Velikovsky And Darwin Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0704 Beyond the Mountains of Darkness. The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0704 On Comets, Comet-Like Luminous Apparitions and Meteors Ilse Fuhr Fuhr
Kronos vol.0801 Electric Discharge as the Source of Solar Radiant Energy (Part I) Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0801 The Listing by Months: An Ancient Study of the Disappearances of Venus Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.0801 On Comets, Comet-Like Luminous Apparitions and Meteors (Concluded) Ilse Fuhr Fuhr
Kronos vol.0801 The Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Tongues James E. Strickling Strickling
Kronos vol.0801 Jupiter – God of Abraham (Part III) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0801 Hammurabi And The Revised Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0801 Science-Fiction and Collective Amnesia: “Dragon’s Egg” Richard J. Jaarsma Jaarsma
Kronos vol.0802 Troy and the Greek Dark Age Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0802 Sicily, Carthage, and the Fall of Troy Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0802 The Libyan Period In Egypt Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0802 The Archangels Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0802 A Calendric View Of Stonehenge Alban Wall Wall
Kronos vol.0802 Electric Discharge as the Source of Solar Radiant Energy (Concluded) Ralph E. Juergens Juergens
Kronos vol.0803 Sanverim: Hypnosis in the Bible Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0803 Pharaoh Seti the (Great and His Foreign Connections – II George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.0803 Empedocles, Healer of the Mind (Part I) Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0803 The Science of Evolution (Part I) Bennison Gray Gray
Kronos vol.0803 Observations At Kintraw T. McCreery, A. J. Hastie, and T. Moulds Moulds
Kronos vol.0803 Petrofabric Analysis: An Unreliable Archaeological Tool Thomas McCreery McCreery
Kronos vol.0804 Child of Saturn (Part IV) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0804 Jonathan Swift and the Moons of Mars Ken D. Moss Moss
Kronos vol.0804 Empedocles, Healer of the Mind (Part II) Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0804 The Science of Evolution (Concluded) Bennison Gray Gray
Kronos vol.0804 Seismology, Catastrophe, and Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0804 The Cosmic Serpent by Victor Clube and Bill Napier John Gribbin Gribbin
Kronos vol.0901 The Catastrophic Role of Fluid Pressure and Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Mechanics of Overthrust Faulting Michael M. Hobby Hobby
Kronos vol.0901 The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part I) J. M. McCanney McCanney
Kronos vol.0901 Shapley’s Scientific Record Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0901 Jupiter God of Abraham (Part IV) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0901 What Was “Brimstone”? John V. Myers Myers
Kronos vol.0901 Aster and Disaster: Toward a Catastrophist Mode of Mythological Interpretation Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0901 Empedocles, Healer of the Mind (Concluded) Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.0901 Self-Consciousness as the Hegelian Source of the World View in Freud Leon Rosenstein Rosenstein
Kronos vol.0902 Scarabs And Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0902 Osarsiph Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0902 Humbaba Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0902 Kronos, Minos, and the Celestial Labyrinth Ev Cochrane Cochrane
Kronos vol.0902 The Cosmology Of Tawantinsuyu Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.0902 The Son of Tanit Among the Olmecs: Additional Evidence of a Possible Phoenician Contact with the Olmecs Milo Kearney and Karen LeFevre-Uribe LeFevre-Uribe
Kronos vol.0902 The Newton Affair Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0902 The Role of Collective Amnesia in Retarding the Acceptance of Correct Ideas in Science Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0902 Worlds in Collision in Macmillan’s Catalogues C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.0902 Stargazers & Gravediggers by Immanuel Velikovsky Joseph May May
Kronos vol.0902 The Neglected Facts of Science by Dewey B. Larson Henry A. Hoff Hoff
Kronos vol.0902 The Paradoxical Primate Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.0903 Esarhaddon In Egypt Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.0903 The Oedipus Legend and the Amarna Period Walter Federn Federn
Kronos vol.0903 Apollo of the Wolf, the Mouse and the Serpent Michael G. Theodorakis Theodorakis
Kronos vol.0903 The Rites Of Moloch Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.0903 Velikovsky and the Cosmic Serpent David Stove, Victor Clube, Bill Napier Stove
Kronos vol.0903 Newton’s World View Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.0903 The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part II) J. M. McCanney McCanney
Kronos vol.0903 The New Solar System: Selected Criticisms C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.1001 Saturn: In Myth and Religion Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1001 The Genie Of The Pivot Roger Ashton Ashton
Kronos vol.1001 The Origin of Velikovsky’s Comet David Talbott and Ev Cochrane Cochrane
Kronos vol.1001 Aster and Disaster: The Golden Age – I Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.1001 Odin Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1001 An Ancient Celtic Water Cult: Its Significance in British Prehistory Alban Wall Wall
Kronos vol.1001 Newton And Historical Science Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.1001 Mulholland: “A Celestial Mechanician Whose Name is Almost Synonymous with High Precision” Immanuel Velikovsky and Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1001 Still Facing Many Problems C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.1001 Collective Amnesia and the Compulsive Repetition of Human Sacrifrice Gunnar Heinsohn, Christoph Marx Marx
Kronos vol.1002 The Venus Tablets: A Fresh Approach? Lynn E. Rose & Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.1002 Orbits of Core Material Ejected from Gaseous Planets Eric W. Crew Crew
Kronos vol.1002 The Gravitational-Electromagnetic Effects of Ultramassive Objects on the Solar System (Part II) Michael E. Brandt Brandt
Kronos vol.1002 The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies(Part III) J. M. McCanney McCanney
Kronos vol.1002 Ejections, Resonances, and Inversions Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1002 Aster and Disaster: The Golden Age – II Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.1002 Mycenae, the Danube, and Homeric Troy Jan N. Sammer Sammer
Kronos vol.1002 Bet Shulman Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1002 Jerusalem – City of Saturn Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.1002 “Mankind in Amnesia”: An Overview David Griffard Griffard
Kronos vol.1003 Still Facing Many Problems (Part II) C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
Kronos vol.1003 The Scars of Mars – I Donald W. Patten Patten
Kronos vol.1003 Guidelines To The Saturn Myth David Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.1003 The Baalim Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1003 Child of Saturn (Part V) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1003 The Earliest Arrival of Celts in the British Isles Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.1003 Velikovsky and Historical Anti-Naturism Duane Vorhees Vorhees
Kronos vol.1101 The Case for Catastrophe in Historical Times Bernard Newgrosh Newgrosh
Kronos vol.1101 On the Nature of Cometary Symbolism David Talbott and Ev Cochrane Cochrane
Kronos vol.1101 Child of Saturn (Part VI) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1101 An Evaluation of the Practical Operation of the Stonehenge Calendar Benjamin A. Bosher Bosher
Kronos vol.1101 The Scars of Mars – II Donald W. Patten Patten
Kronos vol.1101 The Age of Reason: Some Insights Livio C. Stecchini Stecchini
Kronos vol.1101 The Case of the Turkish Turn Coat Duane Vorhees Vorhees
Kronos vol.1102 Answers To Critics Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1102 The Trouble With Aztex Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1102 El-Arish Revisited Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
Kronos vol.1102 The Races Of Homo Sapiens James E. Strickling Strickling
Kronos vol.1102 “Uniformitarianism in Linguistics” by Craig Christy Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.1103 Kadmos: The Primeval King Ev Cochrane Cochrane
Kronos vol.1103 The Spring Of Ares Ev Cochrane Cochrane
Kronos vol.1103 Is Venus Younger Than Earth? Reginald E. Newell Newell
Kronos vol.1103 Aster and Disaster: The Fallen World Roger W. Wescott Wescott
Kronos vol.1103 An Interim Reply To Weir Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan Vaughan
Kronos vol.1103 Velikovsky, Mars, and the Eighth Century B. C. Part One Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
Kronos vol.1103 Answers To Further Critics Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1201 When Venus Was A Comet Ev Cochrane and David Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.1201 Venus and Sirius: Some Unexpected Similarities Brian Stross Stross
Kronos vol.1201 Some Preliminary Remarks About Ice Cores Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1201 The Greenland Ice Cores Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1201 Velikovsky, Mars, and the Eighth Century B.C. Part Two Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
Kronos vol.1202 Seti’s Foreign Connections George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.1202 Noah’s Ark: I – The Ship on Ararat (Part A) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1202 The Mark Of The Beast Milo Kearney Kearney
Kronos vol.1202 Young Velikovsky: From Bergson to Berger Duane Vorhees Vorhees
Kronos vol.1202 The Greenland Ice Cores (Continued) Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1202 The Milankovitch Theory of the Ice Ages Lynn E. Rose Rose
Kronos vol.1202 Philosophy And Unified Science Dr. George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.1203 Assuruballit Immanuel Velikovsky Velikovsky
Kronos vol.1203 The Kaaba Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1203 Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology George Robert Talbott Talbott
Kronos vol.1203 Noah’s Ark: I The Ship on Ararat (Part B) Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1203 The Sulfur Connection Dwardu Cardona Cardona
Kronos vol.1203 Thera Revisited: A Final Rejoinder Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg
Kronos vol.1203 To everything there is a season Lewis M. Greenberg Greenberg