List of contributors to Catastrophism and Ancient History

List of Catastrophism and Ancient History contributors:

Issue Article Title Author(s) Surname
C&AH vol.0101 Editorial Statement Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0101 Paleoclimatology and Infrared Radiation Traps: Earth’s Antediluvian Climate John H. Fermor Fermor
C&AH vol.0101 Problems of Early Anatolian History Part I Marvin A. Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0101 The Chronology of the Late Kings of Egypt Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0102 Editorial Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0102 The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications Donovan Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0102 A Question of Logic Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0102 The Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0201 The 360 Day Year: An Ambiguity Resolved John H. Fermor Fermor
C&AH vol.0201 A Comprehensive Theory on Aging, Gigantism and Longevity Donald W. Patten and Phllip A. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.0201 Date of Amarna Letters from Tyre and a Possible Date for Carthage Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0201 Earth has Flipped Over in Space Many Times John White White
C&AH vol.0201 A Note on the Patten Aging Theory Ron Hatch Hatch
C&AH vol.0201 Letter to the Editor W. T. Black Black
C&AH vol.0202 Herakles and Velikovskian Catastrophism Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0202 When Earth Was Not Yet Created: An Account of Sumerian Cosmogony Zecharia Sitchin Sitchin
C&AH vol.0202 A Different View on the Chronology of Hazor Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0202 On Fermor’s article on ante-diluvian climate John P. Pseudonym Pseudonym
C&AH vol.0202 A Corrected Date for Carthage, II Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0202 Casa Grande-Another Indian Astronomical Site Ron Anjard Anjard
C&AH vol.0202 Minerals, Metals, Glazing and Man, by John Dayton, Reviewed by Geoffrey Gammon Geoffrey Gammon Gammon
C&AH vol.0202 Letter to the Editor Christoph Marx Marx
C&AH vol.0301 The End of Mitanni and Some Related Problems Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0301 Pharaoh So and the Libyan Dynasty* Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0301 The Punctuation Marks of Geological History Charles H. Hapgood Hapgood
C&AH vol.0301 The 360 Day Year: Science and Humanities Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0301 Tyre: “Joy, shipmate, joy” Bronson Feldman Feldman
C&AH vol.0301 Another Pot Plant Reply Lester Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0301 A Further Response to Marvin Luckerman John J. Bimson Bimson
C&AH vol.0301 Solomon’s Temple: An Astronomical Observatory Charles McDowell McDowell
C&AH vol.0302 Freud and Velikovsky Part 1 Bronson Feldman Feldman
C&AH vol.0302 Are the Peleset Philistines or Persians? Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0302 Herodotus on Thutmoses III and Amenophis III Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0302 In Support of Gammon Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0302 The Great Debate Dudley Bromley Bromley
C&AH vol.0302 Another Pot Plant Reply Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0302 On Solomon’s Temple Eva Danelius Danelius
C&AH vol.0302 The Lesser Light James E. Strickling Strickling
C&AH vol.0302 The End of MBII Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0401 Freud and Velikovsky Part II Bronson Feldman Feldman
C&AH vol.0401 Syria and Ugarit Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0401 The Israelite Origins of Monotheism and the Prohibition of Killing Gunnar Heinsohn Heinsohn
C&AH vol.0401 Rethinking Mitanni/Hanigalbat Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0401 A Reply to S.F. Vaninger John J. Bimson Bimson
C&AH vol.0401 Flood Legends: Their Hidden Perspectives James E. Strickling Strickling
C&AH vol.0401 Further Notes on Abi Milki and Pygmalion Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0402 Bronson Feldman, 1914-1982: A Biographical Note Warren Hope Hope
C&AH vol.0402 Hittites and Phrygians Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0402 The Road to Iron: 8th and 7th Century Metallurgy and the Decline of Egyptian Power Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH vol.0402 Maturation of Newborn Female Rats Under Elevated Levels of Carbon Dioxide Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.0402 Mycenaean Culture: The Shift in Recent Historiography from its Destruction by Invasion to Destruction by Natural Agents Gunnar Heinsohn and Christoph Marx Marx
C&AH vol.0501 Ebla and Near East Chronology Part I Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0501 Meteorite Impacts of Geological Significance: A Human Perspective Frank Dachille Dachille
C&AH vol.0501 Velikovskian Catastrophes in the Revelation of St. John Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0501 “As Above, So Below” Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Straight-Line Phenomena Robert C. Stephanos Stephanos
C&AH vol.0501 A Reply to Mr. Cohen Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0501 An Answer to “The Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision” Jacques Touchet Touchet
C&AH vol.0502 Abraham to Hezekiah: An Archaeological Revision Part I Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0502 Assyria, Karduniash, Babylon: A Rational chronology Barry Page Page
C&AH vol.0502 Dirkzwager’s Revision Questioned Joshua Korbach Korbach
C&AH vol.0502 Hittites, Phrygians, and Others Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0502 Is Early Bronze the Time of the Exodus? Marvin Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.0502 Whose Revision Is Questioned? Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0502 Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives (Review) Herb Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0502 Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Journal (Review) Herb Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0601 Abraham to Hezekiah: An Archaeological Revision Part II Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0601 The Founding of Rome Alfred de Grazia Grazia
C&AH vol.0601 Hereditary Monarchy in Assyria and the Assyrian Kinglist Herb Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0601 Abraham and Ur Elliott A. Green Green
C&AH vol.0601 Mediterranean Basin Catastrophe Joseph S. Ellul Ellul
C&AH vol.0601 Expanding the End of Assyrian History Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0601 The Cloud of Jehovah James F. Strickling Strickling
C&AH vol.0601 A Correction (King Akab) Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0601 Binomial Coefficients, Permutations and Combinations in Elam and Babylon George R. Douglas, Jr. Douglas
C&AH vol.0601 Ugarit and the Old Testament (Review) Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0602 The Hittite Raid Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0602 The Scars of Mars Part I Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.0602 The Synchronistic Chronical: A Critique Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0602 Tiahuanaco and the Deluge Helmut Settl Settl
C&AH vol.0602 The Sacred Mountain Charles H. Seitz Seitz
C&AH vol.0602 The Raid that was Not — A Correction Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0602 The Passing of Elijah James F. Strickling Strickling
C&AH vol.0602 Recent Archaeology in the Land of Israel (Review) Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0602 Catastrophes in the Early Bronze Age Paul Andrews Andrews
C&AH vol.0602 The Ten “lost” Tribes Alice McQueen McQueen
C&AH vol.0701 The Scars of Mars Part II Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.0701 “Nemesis” — A New Idea as Old as the Bible? Zecharia Sitchin Sitchin
C&AH vol.0701 Deportations in the Neo-Assyrian Empire Reena Zeidman Zeidman
C&AH vol.0701 Ascent into Dissent: The Quantavolution Books (Review) Earl Milton Milton
C&AH vol.0701 Pentecost James F. Strickling Strickling
C&AH vol.0701 Postscript to Theory Workshop Robert C. Stephanos Stephanos
C&AH vol.0701 Be Careful with the Hittites Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0701 The Cities of the Plain Dwardu Cardona Cardona
C&AH vol.0702 The Chronology of Israel and Judah Part I D. Hickman Hickman
C&AH vol.0702 In Response to Mitcham’s “Critique” Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0702 Mitcham Replies Lester Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.0702 Scarab in the Dust: Egypt in the Time of the Twenty-First Dynasty Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH vol.0702 A Time of Pestilence and a Shaking of the Earth P. Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0702 Five Midianite Cities: A Response to Dwardu Cardona’s “The Cities of the Plain” Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0702 Remarks on Dr. Courville’s Seminar Presentation, “The Albrecht/Glueck-Aharoni/Rothenberg Confrontation” Eva Danelius Danelius
C&AH vol.0702 Donovan Courville Responds Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH vol.0702 The Earth Chronicles (Review) Barbara Clow Clow
C&AH vol.0702 The Old Testament: A Beginning Survey (Review) Herb Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0702 Twilight of the Gods (Review) Barbara Clow Clow
C&AH vol.0702 Proceedings of the Third Seminar of Catastrophism and Ancient History (Review) Herb Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0702 Exodus and Shishak Unraveled Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.0801 The Libyans in Egypt: Resolving the Third Intermediate Period Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH vol.0801 Pole-Shift Richard W. Noone Noone
C&AH vol.0801 New Theses for the Reconstruction of Ancient History based upon the Recurrent Cyclic Pertubations of the Earth prior to 648 B.C. Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.0801 Dating the Trojan War Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0801 Abraham’s Birthplace Elliott Green Green
C&AH vol.0801 Another Look at Velikovsky’s Ages in Chaos Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0801 Saturn’s Sacred Mountain Dwardu Cardona Cardona
C&AH vol.0801 Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions and Other Popular Theories about Man’s Past (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0801 The Might that was Assyria (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0802 In Search of the Exodus Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.0802 Megiddo Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.0802 Evidence of the Prophets and Egypt D. Hickman Hickman
C&AH vol.0802 A Maya Record of Two Thousand Years? Nancy K. Owen Owen
C&AH vol.0802 Is the Tribe of Dan Homer’s Danaanians? Robert Stevens Stevens
C&AH vol.0802 Author’s Note to the Editor’s Note Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0802 Squaring the Circle — An Esoteric Tradition? M.D. Stern Stern
C&AH vol.0802 Exodus: The True Story Behind the Biblical Account (Review) Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0802 Impact Geology (Review) Harold E. Lippman Lippman
C&AH vol.0901 Velikovsky: Beyond Freud Duane Leroy Voorhees Voorhees
C&AH vol.0901 Cuchulain — Comet or Meteor? Dorothea Kenny Kenny
C&AH vol.0901 Gezer and the Mysterious Gates of Solomon Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.0901 Aftermath of the Trojan War Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0901 Biblical Pentapolis or Midianite Cities? Dwardu Cardona Cardona
C&AH vol.0901 Some Ideas for Further Investigation Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.0901 Ur of the Chaldees — Once Again Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0901 A Seven Year Famine in the Reign of King Djoser with Other Parallels between Imhotep and Joseph Tom Chetwynd Chetwynd
C&AH vol.0901 History, Harmony and the Hebrew Kings (review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0902 The Israelite Exodus and the Volcanic Eruption of Thera William H. Stiebing, Jr. Stiebing
C&AH vol.0902 Jericho Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.0902 The Origin and Decay of the Earth’s Geomagnetic Field Donald Wesley Patten Patten
C&AH vol.0902 The Thirteenth Dynasty Wayne A. Mitchell Mitchell
C&AH vol.0902 Philistia Ascendant Clark Whelton Whelton
C&AH vol.0902 Sodom and Gomorrah’s Location and Destruction Rene Andrew Boulay Boulay
C&AH vol.0902 Middle and Late Bronze in Transjordan Vera L Kerkhof Kerkhof
C&AH vol.0902 Jericho Revisited Bruce K. Waltke Waltke
C&AH vol.0902 Exploring Exodus (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.0902 The Exodus Symposium April 23-25, 1987 Stan F. Vaninger Vaninger
C&AH vol.0902 Gezer and the Philistines Michael S. Sanders Sanders
C&AH vol.1001 New Archaeological Dates for the Israelite Conquest Part I William H. Stiebing, Jr. Stiebing
C&AH vol.1001 The Scars Of Mars Part II Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.1001 Sardanapallus and Arbaces Arie Dirkzwager Dirkzwager
C&AH vol.1001 The Annals of Sennacherib — Anstey was Mistaken Carl Olof Jonsson Jonsson
C&AH vol.1001 The Harran Inscription of Nabonidus Carl Olof Jonsson Jonsson
C&AH vol.1001 Chronological Contradictions Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1001 Goedicke in Response to Stiebing Hans Goedicke Goedicke
C&AH vol.1001 More on Dan and Asher William Randolph Randolph
C&AH vol.1001 The Exodus Problem and Its Ramifications Donovan Courville Courville
C&AH vol.1001 Assyrians, Sodom, and Red Herrings Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH vol.1002 New Archaeological Dates for the Israelite Conquest Part II William H. Stiebing, Jr. Stiebing
C&AH vol.1002 The Venus versus Mars Controversy, or Which Planet Moved the Earth? Samuel Ronald Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1002 “My Kingdom for a Horse …” Tamara Futterman Futterman
C&AH vol.1002 Catastrophism and the Old Testament: The Mars-Earth Conflicts (Review) R.G. Williscroft Williscroft
C&AH vol.1002 Tiglath-Pilesers I and III Not to be Confused Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1002 Neptune’s Magnetic Field Charles Ginenthal Ginenthal
C&AH vol.1002 Solar System Magnetic Fields-Further Sam Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1002 Were Abraham, Joseph, and MosesLocated in the Old Kingdom? David Yorkstetter Yorkstetter
C&AH vol.1002 Carbon Dioxide Production by K-T Extinction Bolide John D. O’Keefe and Thomas J. Ahrens Ahrens
C&AH vol.1002 The Solar Eclipse of Mursilis II Wayne A. Mitchell Mitchell
C&AH vol.1002 An Answer to Hickman Jim Schlecker Schlecker
C&AH vol.1002 Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel Robert de Telder Telder
C&AH vol.1101 The Ark of Noah David Fasold Fasold
C&AH vol.1101 The Birth and Odyssey of Halley’s Comet: From 2484 B.C. to the Present Time Donald Wesley Patten and Samuel Ronald Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1101 Palestinian Archaeology and a Ramesses VI-Shishak Identification Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1101 The Location of Punt/Ophir Part I Nel Kluitman Kluitman
C&AH vol.1101 Ahab and the Battles of Karkar and Ramoth-Gilead Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1101 Shiloh a Central Cultic Israel Site Brad Aaronson Aaronson
C&AH vol.1101 Assyria and Hanigalbat: Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1101 Were Abraham, Joseph, and Moses Located in the Old Kingdom? Juergen Friede Friede
C&AH vol.1102 The Location of Punt/Ophir Part II Nel Kluitman Kluitman
C&AH vol.1102 Integration or Alienation: A Case Study of the Twelve Tribes Reena Zeidman Zeidman
C&AH vol.1102 Velikovsky and Tangun Duane Leroy Vorhees Vorhees
C&AH vol.1102 “Palestinian Archaeology and a Ramesses VI-Shishak Identification”; Further Observations Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1102 Eye-witness Report on Two Mutwa Encounters F.J. Kerkhof Kerkhof
C&AH vol.1102 Precession and the Hebrew Calendar Daniel Trifiletti Trifiletti
C&AH vol.1102 Heyerdahl and Ophir Steven Harrison Harrison
C&AH vol.1102 Cuneiform and the Revised Chronology Brad Aaronson Aaronson
C&AH vol.1102 Noah’s Flood: Mars Flyby Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.1201 Ice Cores and Common Sense Part 1 Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
C&AH vol.1201 Out of the Desert: Archaeology and the Exodus/Conquest Narratives (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1201 Observing the Moon on the Horizon during the Early Bronze Age A.J. Hasti Hasti
C&AH vol.1201 “And it Came to Pass, in the Days of Amraphel King of Shine’ar”: Biblical Veracity and Non-biblical Chronology Zecharia Sitchin Sitchin
C&AH vol.1201 “And it came to pass” — A Brief Note Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1201 History, Proto-history, and Synchronisms Roger W. Wescott Wescott
C&AH vol.1201 Velikovsky’s Chronology in Question Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1201 A Fifteenth-Century Exodus Gerald Day Day
C&AH vol.1201 The Location of Punt/Ophir P.J.M. Kluitman Kluitman
C&AH vol.1201 The Mars-Earth Wars Theory: A Critical Analysis C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
C&AH vol.1201 Response to Critique by Leroy Ellenberger Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH vol.1201 Response to Ellenberger Ron Hatch Hatch
C&AH vol.1202 Editorial Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.1202 Ice Cores and Common Sense (Part II) Sean Mewhinney Mewhinney
C&AH vol.1202 The 1552 Exodus Kenneth F. Doig Doig
C&AH vol.1202 Genealogical Evidence for a Shortening of the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1202 Rejoinder to Dirkzwager Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1202 Tisserand and a Trojan to the Rescue C. Leroy Ellenberger Ellenberger
C&AH vol.1202 I Samuel and the Habiru-Problem (Review) Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1202 “A New Interpretation of the Assyrian King List” Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1301 A Potential Historical Connection for the Death and Burial of Jacob in Genesis William H. Shea Shea
C&AH vol.1301 The Animal that Changed the Course of World History: The Mammoth Vladimir Belousov Belousov
C&AH vol.1301 Catastrophic Theory of Mountain Uplifts (A Crustal Deformation Theory) Donald W. Patten and Samuel R. Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1301 Bouquets and Brickbats: A Reply to Martin Sieff Dwardu Cardona Cardona
C&AH vol.1301 The Still-Lost City of Avaris: The Capital and Stronghold of the Hebrew Pharaohs(Hyksos) Tamara Futterman Futterman
C&AH vol.1301 Mitcham’s Questions in Question Brad Aaronson Aaronson
C&AH vol.1301 Did the Sea Peoples Come from Denmark? William Marshall Marshall
C&AH vol.1302 Editorial Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH vol.1302 The Prophecy In Paleontology Milo Kearney Kearney
C&AH vol.1302 The Day the Sun Stood still Robert H. Chappell, Jr. Chappell
C&AH vol.1302 Joseph and Imhotep John W. Hand Hand
C&AH vol.1302 Assyro-Babylonian Chronology In the 620’s B.C. Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1302 The Birth and Odyssey of Halley’s comet Robert de Telder Telder
C&AH vol.1302 Ezra and Nehemiah in Recent Research Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1302 “Towards a New Chronology of Ancient Egypt,” Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1401 Noah’s Vessel: 24,000 Deadweight Tons Samuel R. Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1401 Ancient Near Eastern Chronology: To Revise or not to Revise? Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.1401 Avaris and the Land of Goshen A. H. Rees Rees
C&AH vol.1401 The Identification of Avails and Nefrusi Jesse E. Lasken Lasken
C&AH vol.1401 Replies to Lasken and Rees Tamara Futterman Futterman
C&AH vol.1401 Rejoinder to Aaronson Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH vol.1401 Comments on Chappell Sam Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1401 Can Imhotep be Joseph? Jesse E. Lasken Lasken
C&AH vol.1401 Response to Ezra/Nehemiah Review Article Barry Frank Frank
C&AH vol.1401 EBLA — A New Look at History Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH vol.1401 A Critic in the Desert Yehoshua Etzion Etzion
C&AH vol.1402 Sennecherib & Esarhaddo James J. Schlecker Schlecker
C&AH vol.1402 Cushan Rishathaim William H. Shea Shea
C&AH vol.1402 Response to Cardona Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH vol.1402 Tiglath-pileser versus Pul A. P. McIntyre McIntyre
C&AH vol.1402 About Where Troy Once Stood Lawrence Wargrave Wargrave
C&AH vol.1402 On Ebla Lawrence Wargrave Wargrave
C&AH vol.1402 Joseph and Imhotep John W. Hand & R.M. Porter Porter
C&AH vol.1501 In Memoriam: Derek Shelley-Pearce Birgit C. Leisching Leisching
C&AH vol.1501 New Proposals For A Downdating the Egyptian New Kingdom Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1501 Noah’s Ark — Its Geometry Samuel Windsor Windsor
C&AH vol.1501 Rohl’s Revised Egyptian Chronology: Difficulties and an Alternative Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1501 The Answer to Clapham’s Question: Revise! Jesse E. Lasken Lasken
C&AH vol.1501 Response to Lasken Phillip Clapham Clapham
C&AH vol.1502 New Proposals for a Downdating of the Egyptian New Kingdom (Part II) Jeremy Goldberg Goldberg
C&AH vol.1502 The Age of Moses John W. Hand Hand
C&AH vol.1502 Additional Notes on Assyro-Babylonian Chronology Carl Olof Jonsson Jonsson
C&AH vol.1502 Answer to Jonsson James J. Schlecker Schlecker
C&AH Proceedings 1 Introduction Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH Proceedings 1 The Albrecht/Glueck-Aharoni/Rothenberg Confrontation: Who was Right and Who was Wrong about What? Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH Proceedings 1 The Cyclic Nature of Ancient Catastrophes Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH Proceedings 1 Hereditary Monarchy in Assyria and the Assyrian Kinglist Herb Storck Storck
C&AH Proceedings 1 Were the “Sumerians of the Third Millennium” in Reality the Chaldeans of the First Millennium? Gunnar Heinsohn and Christoph Marx Marx
C&AH Proceedings 1 Sidelights on Velikovsky’s Ages in Chaos Bronson Feldman Feldman
C&AH Proceedings 1 Ebla and Velikovsky Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH Proceedings 2 The Oracle of Cadmus Martin Sieff Sieff
C&AH Proceedings 2 The Problem of Adjusting the Date Limits of the Archaeological Ages to Meet Velikovsky’s Revision Donovan A. Courville Courville
C&AH Proceedings 2 The Blind Pharaoh Bronson Feldman Feldman
C&AH Proceedings 2 The Two Major Censuses in the Book of Numbers Donald W. Patten Patten
C&AH Proceedings 2 Were the “Sumerians of the Third Millennium” in Reality the Chaldeans of the First Millennium? Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH Proceedings 2 Dating the Kings of Dynasties XXI, XXII, and XXIII Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH Proceedings 2 A Brief Summary of the Evidence for a Gap in the Bible and Much Earlier Dates for Many of its Major Events Tom Chetwynd Chetwynd
C&AH Proceedings 3 Introduction Marvin Arnold Luckerman Luckerman
C&AH Proceedings 3 The Egyptian Prince Moses Charles McDowell McDowell
C&AH Proceedings 3 The Dating of Hammurabi D. Hickman Hickman
C&AH Proceedings 3 Some New Factors Bearing Upon the Date of the Exodus William H. Shea Shea
C&AH Proceedings 3 David as a Hab/’piru Leader Laura Gollop Gollop
C&AH Proceedings 3 The Early Assyrian King List, The Genealogy of the Hammurapi Dynasty, and the “Greater Amorite” Tradition Herbert A. Storck Storck
C&AH Proceedings 3 A New Interpretation of the Assyrian King List Lester J. Mitcham Mitcham
C&AH Proceedings 3 A Celtic Destruction Myth: Togail Bruidne Da Derga Dorothea Kenny Kenny
C&AH Proceedings 3 On the Survival of Velikovsky’s Thesis in Ages in Chaos Donovan A. Courville Courville