Hans Schindler Bellamy

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Hans Schindler Bellamy (1901 – 12 December 1982, poss. Vienna) was a researcher and author. His books investigate the work of Austrian cosmologist, Hans Hoerbiger and German selenographer, Philipp Fauth, whose now-defunct Cosmic Ice (Glacial Kosmogonie) Theory [1]Hans Hoerbiger and Philipp Fauth, Glazialkosmogenie. 1913:

“… considers the Moon to be a metallo-mineral body covered with a sphere of ice… captured out of transterrestrial space where, probably not so very long ago, it existed as an independent planet …”.

“… Hydrogen and oxygen exist in the universe in their natural combination H2O, water, in its cosmic form: ice”.

“When a block of this ‘Cosmic Ice’ plunges into a glowing star the impact generates heat. The ice turns into steam. Thermo-chemical decomposition splits the steam into its constituents. Most of the oxygen is bound to the stellar matter, producing more heat. Practically all the hydrogen is exhaled into space. The star-matter-bound oxygen and the ‘spatial’ hydrogen for the vast stores out of which the Cosmic Ice is generated and its supplies repleted”. (Moons, Myths and Man, 1936)

Bellamy’s first book, Moons, Myths and Man, describes Hoerbiger’s theory in detail, and its application to world myths, and his subsequent books develop the theory in light of biblical history, the Atlantis myth, and the Tiahuanaco ruins.

Alfred de Grazia in his book, Chaos and Creation, labels Bellamy as a prominent catastrophist.[2]Alfred de Grazia, Chaos and Creation: An Introduction to Quantavolution in Human and Natural History (1981) Metron Publications. Page 8. And Immanuel Velikovsky cites Bellamy half a dozen times in Worlds in Collision, and in Earth in Upheaval.[3]Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (1950). For example: “The Tide”, “The Collapsed Sky”, “East and West” and “March 23rd”[4]Immanuel Velikovsky, “Earth in Upheaval” (1956), “Tiahuanacu In The Andes”

H.S. Bellamy may be a pseudonym of Hans Schindler, [5]According to The Faber Archive and his index card record, at his publisher, Faber and Faber Ltd (Oct 2007) or of Rudolf Elmayer von Vestenbrugg, a.k.a. Elmar Brugg.[6]Bellamy, Hans Schindler, at http://atlantipedia.ie


  • Moons, Myths and Man. A reinterpretation. Faber & Faber: London, 1936, also 1949 revised
  • The Book of Revelation is History.Faber & Faber: London, 1942
  • Built before the Flood. The problem of the Tiahuanaco ruins. Faber & Faber: London, 1943
  • In the Beginning God. A new scientific vindication of cosmogonic myths in the Book of Genesis. Faber & Faber: London, 1945
  • The Atlantis Myth. Faber & Faber: London, 1948. 8o.
  • Life History of our Earth. Based on the geological application of Hoerbiger’s Theory. Faber & Faber: London, 1951
  • The Calendar of Tiahuanaco. A disquisition on the time measuring system of the oldest civilization in the world. Faber & Faber: London, 1956, with Peter Allan
  • The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco. An interpretation in the light of the Hoerbiger theory of satellites of the glyphs carved on its surface. Faber & Faber: London, 1959, with Peter Allan
  • “An Appreciation of Donnelly”, in Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1882) by Ignatius Donnelly, reprinted 1946 (ed. Egerton Sykes), p.xiii


1 Hans Hoerbiger and Philipp Fauth, Glazialkosmogenie. 1913
2 Alfred de Grazia, Chaos and Creation: An Introduction to Quantavolution in Human and Natural History (1981) Metron Publications. Page 8.
3 Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (1950). For example: “The Tide”, “The Collapsed Sky”, “East and West” and “March 23rd”
4 Immanuel Velikovsky, “Earth in Upheaval” (1956), “Tiahuanacu In The Andes”
5 According to The Faber Archive and his index card record, at his publisher, Faber and Faber Ltd (Oct 2007)
6 Bellamy, Hans Schindler, at http://atlantipedia.ie