Frederic Bonner Jueneman (May 25, 1929 Chicago, Illinois – July 29, 2014) was a consulting industrial analytical chemist, who has served as an Associate Editor of Kronos and Aeon and was a member of the R&D 100 panel for the adjudication of the annual top one hundred products developed by academia and industry. Until his own retirement from industry in 1991, he was a longtime member of the analytical committee of SEMI (Semiconductor & Equipment Manufacturers International). He has continued until recently as a Contributing Editor and columnist for Research & Development magazine to which he has contributed for 30 years.
Jueneman was also a composer and author, having written two symphonic suites and several ensemble and piano works, as well as two published books on speculative science: Limits of Uncertainty (1975) and Raptures of the Deep (1995). He has also contributed articles to Aeon, Kronos, SIS Review, and the Oct. 1974 Analog Science Fiction and Fact “Special Velikovsky Issue”. Jueneman is a widower, has three children, one each grandchildren, and one each great grandchildren, with another on the way.
Selected bibliography

- Frederic B. Jueneman, Limits of Uncertainty, 1975, Cahners Publishing Company, ISBN 1-57450-002-3
- Frederic B. Jueneman, Raptures of the Deep, 1995, Cahners Publishing Company, ISBN 1-57450-001-5
- “PC”, Kronos, vol. 1 No.3 (Fall 1975)
- “The Fire Came By: The Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion by John Baxter and Thomas Atkins”, Kronos, vol. 2 No.2 (November 1976)
- “Venus Hothouse – The Other Theory”, SIS Review, v4 No.1 (Autumn 1979)
- “Weinert’s Hypothesis”, Workshop, vol 4 No.1 (July 1981)
- “The Polar Column: A Physical Model of Myth”, Aeon, vol. 1 No.4 (Jul 1988)
- “The Hermes Connection”, Aeon, vol. 1 No.5 (Sep 1988)
- “Pleiongaea: A Myth for all Seasons”, Aeon, vol. 2 No.3 (1990)
- “Redshift!”, Aeon, vol. 2 No.5 (1991)
- “Velikovsky: A Personal Chronological Perspective of His Final Years”, Aeon, vol. 3 No.1 (Nov 1992)
- “Is The Universe Finite?”, Aeon, vol. 3 no.2 (May 1993)
- “Book review: Darwin on Trial“, by Phillip E. Johnson, Aeon, Vol. 3 No. 3 (Oct 1993)
- “Psychoceramics”, Aeon, vol. 3 No.4 (Dec 1993)
- “Book Review: John Bossy, Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair“, Aeon, vol. 3 No.6 (May 1994)
- “Peruvian Heart”, Aeon, vol. 4 no.5 (Nov 1996)
- “The Terrestrial Sea: A Critical Model of Science and Myth”, Aeon, vol. 4 No.6 (May 1997)
- “Pterodactyls in the Mesozoic: A Flap in Time”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.2 (Apr 1998)
- “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: A Critique”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.3 (Dec 1998)
- “Book Review: The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet by Graham Hancock”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.3 (Dec 1998)
- “Book Review: New Insights to Antiquity: A Drawing Aside of the Veil by Richard Petersen”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.3 (Dec 1998)
- “Book Review: Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.4 (Jul 1999)
- “Book Review: Carl Sagan: A Life by Keay Davidson”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.5 (Jan 2000)
- “Book Review: Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt by Lynn E. Rose”, Aeon, vol. 5 No.5 (Jan 2000)
- “Book review: Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of the Modern Word, by David Keys”, Aeon, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Nov 2002)
- “Book review: Ancient Mysteries, by Peter James and Nick Thorpe“, Aeon, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Nov 2002)
- “Book review: 1421: The Year China Discovered America, by Gavin Menzies”, Aeon, Vol. 6, No. 6 (Oct 2005)
- “Book review: Kicking the Sacred Cow: Questioning the Unquestionable and Thinking the Impermissible, by James P. Hogan”, Aeon, Vol. 6, No. 6 (Oct 2005)
- “Book review: God Star, by Dwardu Cardona””, Aeon, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Sep 2006)
- “Book review: Cyclical Catastrophe: Planetary Wars in the Solar and Saturn System, by Georgia Balbin”, Aeon, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Sep 2006)
- “Book reviews: Lost Star of Myth and Time, by Walter Cruttenden”, and, The Dark Star, by Andy Lloyd”, Aeon, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Sep 2006)
External links
- “Celebrated R&D columnist and editor, Fred Jueneman, dies at age 84“, R&D Magazine, Fri, 08/08/2014