Scripta Academica Hierosolymitana (sometimes shortened to Scripta Academica) is a series of papers published by Immanuel Velikovsky, original started in memory to his father, Shimon……
The Velikovsky Inheritance is a book by Prof. David S. Marriott,…
Cosmic Heretics: A Personal History of Attempts to Establish and Resist Theories of Quantavolution and Catastrophe in the Natural and Human Sciences, 1963 to 1983……
Zetetic Scholar was a journal founded by Marcello Truzzi that ran 12 issues between 1978-1987. A double issue, Nos.3-4 (1979) included a section “A Dialogue……
Harper’s Magazine describes itself as “the oldest general interest monthly in America”, and has included articles about Velikovsky and his works. Selected bibliography Harper’s Magazine,……
Velikovsky and his Critics (1978) is a booklet by Shane Mage: “This little book is a study of a scientific controversy. The particular science central……
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is a magazine that covers global security and public policy issues, relating to the dangers posed by nuclear and other……
Immanuel Velikovsky – The Truth Behind the Torment (2003)(2nd Ed. 2010) is a biography by Velikovsky’s daughter, Ruth Velikovsky Sharon.[ref]Ruth Velikovsky Sharon, Immanuel Velikovsky: The……
Stephen L. Talbott co-published the journal, Pensée (1972-1974), together with his brother David Talbott. He is currently a senior researcher at The Nature Institute and……
Velikovsky and the Politics of Science was a symposium organized by the Philosophy of Science Association on November 2, 1974, and held at Notre Dame……