Aeon journal


Aeon (founded 1988) describes itself as a journal of myth, science, and ancient history specializing in archaeoastronomy and comparative mythology. The journal explores the evidence……
Velikovsky BBC Horizon documentary

Horizon: Worlds in Collision

Worlds in Collision: Dr Immanuel Velikovksy is the name of a BBC documentary film written and produced by Brian J. Gibson, and directed by Peter……

Scripta Academica Hierosolymitana

Scripta Academica Hierosolymitana (sometimes shortened to Scripta Academica) is a series of papers published by Immanuel Velikovsky, original started in memory to his father, Shimon……
he Velikovsky Inheritance (2006)

The Velikovsky Inheritance

The Velikovsky Inheritance is a book by Prof. David S. Marriott,[1]David S Marriott, Professor, History of Consciousness Department, University of California at Santa Cruz.
Cosmic Heretics, cover

Cosmic Heretics

Cosmic Heretics: A Personal History of Attempts to Establish and Resist Theories of Quantavolution and Catastrophe in the Natural and Human Sciences, 1963 to 1983……
Velikovsky: Bonds of the Past

Velikovsky: The Bonds of the Past

The Bonds of the Past is a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television program written and directed by film maker Henry Zemel, that was first broadcast on……
SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop, 2008:1 issue

Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop

SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop (SIS C&C Workshop) is a publication of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS), published three times a year for its……
The Age of Velikovsky book cover.

The Age of Velikovsky

The Age of Velikovsky (1976) is a book by C.J. Ransom, describing itself as: “A guide to Worlds in Collision, Ages in Chaos, and other……
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