Beyond Velikovsky, book cover

Beyond Velikovsky

Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy (1984) is a book by Henry Bauer: “My ambition in this book is not to settle the……
Aba – The Glory and the Torment

Aba – The Glory and the Torment

Aba – The Glory and the Torment – The Life of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky (1995)(2nd Ed. 2010) is a biography by Immanuel Velikovsky‘s daughter, Ruth……
Ramses II and his Time, book cover

Ramses II and His Time

Ramses II and his Time is the sixth book by Velikovsky, and fourth in the Ages in Chaos series, which he describes thus: “The thesis……
Perilous Planet Earth (2003) book cover

Perilous Planet Earth

Perilous Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism through the Ages (2003) by Trevor Palmer is a book which describes itself as: “.. about the threat to……
Velikovskys Sources

Velikovsky’s Sources

Velikovsky’s Sources (6 volumes, 1981) is a 6-volume set of book written and published by Bob Forrest between 1981-1985, who states his aims as follows:……
Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe, cover

Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe

Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe is a book by Fred Warshofsky,[ref]Fred Warshofsky, Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophe, Reader’s Digest Press, 1977; Pocket Books, N. Y.,……
Before the Day Breaks, cover

Before the Day Breaks

Before the Day Breaks is the book by Immanuel Velikovsky documenting his meeting and discussions with Albert Einstein. It has not been published in English,……
The Velikovskian journal

The Velikovskian

The Velikovskian: A Journal of Myth, History and Science has been published by Charles Ginenthal‘s IVY Press Books, since 1993. The publication states: “Immanuel Velikovsky……

The Immanuel Velikovsky Collection

The Immanuel Velikovsky Collection is a collection of material related to Immanuel Velikovsky, created by Lewis M. Greenberg, and held at Florida Atlantic University Libraries.……
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