Earth in Upheaval (1956) is Velikovsky‘s third book, which he describes as: “… a book about the great tribulations to which the planet on which……
Chaos and Creation: An Introduction to Quantavolution in Human and Natural History (1981) is a book Alfred de Grazia that describes itself as a: “..……
Mankind in Amnesia is a book (1982)…
Catastrophist Geology described itself as “A magazine dedicated to the study of discontinuities in Earth history”. It was published by geologist Johan B. Kloosterman, and……
The Cosmic Serpent is a book by Victor Clube and Bill Napier published in 1982, outlining their theory of coherent catastrophism due to cosmic cometary……
This article is about the book. See also: The Saturn Theory The Saturn Myth (1980) is a book by David Talbott, which proposes that ancient……
Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy (1984) is a book by Henry Bauer: “My ambition in this book is not to settle the……
Fifty years after Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky: classical and new scenarios on the evolution of the solar system was a symposium that took place……
Peoples of the Sea (1977) is Velikovsky‘s fifth book, which he describes as: “… part of the Ages in Chaos series dealing with the reconstruction……
Letter from Prof. Valentine Bargmann and Lloyd Motz On the Recent Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus is a letter published in Science magazine (December 21……