Velikovskys Sources

Velikovsky’s Sources

Velikovsky’s Sources (6 volumes, 1981) is a 6-volume set of book written and published by Bob Forrest between 1981-1985, who states his aims as follows:……
Newton, Einstein and Velikovsky book

Newton, Einstein, and Velikovsky

Newton, Einstein, and Velikovsky is a book (2015) by Charles Ginenthal that states that it “that gathers the evidence for celestial mechanics, the cosmology of……

In the Beginning

In the Beginning is the unpublished book by Immanuel Velikovsky describing the catastrophes that occurred before those described in his first book, Worlds in Collision.……
Oedipus and Akhnaton book cover

Oedipus and Akhnaton

Oedipus and Akhnaton (1960) is Velikovsky’s fourth book, and second in the series following Ages in Chaos. Velikovsky explains that he: “… read Freud’s last……
Velikovsky Reconsidered

Velikovsky Reconsidered

Velikovsky Reconsidered (1976) is a book by “The Editors of Pensée“, that describes itself thus: “This collection of papers from the pages of Pensée is……
Velikovsky and Establishment Science book cover (1977)

Velikovsky and Establishment Science

Velikovsky and Establishment Science is a special issue of the journal Kronos, also published as a hardback book. “What is set forth here — beginning……

Cosmos Without Gravitation

Cosmos Without Gravitation is a paper by Immanuel Velikovsky, published in 1946 as part of his Scripta Academica Hierosolymitana, series, which he describes as: “The……
Recollections of a Fallen Sky book cover

Recollections of a Fallen Sky

Recollections of a Fallen Sky: Velikovsky and Cultural Amnesia (1978) is a book edit by Earl Milton, consisting of the collection of the papers presented……
The Velikovsky Affair book cover.

The Velikovsky Affair (book)

The Velikovsky Affair: Scientism vs Science! (1966, 1978) is a book edited by Alfred de Grazia with contributions by Ralph Juergens, Livio C. Stecchini, Alfred……
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