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Society for Interdisciplinary Studies

The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS) is a membership-based organization “formed in 1974 in response to the growing interest in the works of modern catastrophists,……
FOSMOS brochure cover

Foundation for Studies of Modern Science

Foundation for Studies of Modern Science, Inc (sometimes abbreviated as FOSMOS), is an organisation originally set-up to independently foster the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, running……
Research Communications Network Newslette

Research Communications Network

Research Communications Network was a short-lived organization begun by David and Stephen L. Talbott, after the demise of Pensée in April 1978.[ref]Dwardu Cardona, “The Road……

Simon Velikovsky Foundation

The Simon Velikovsky Foundation, named posthumously after Velikovsky‘s father Simon Velikovsky, published the Scripta Academica Hierosolymitana series of publications in Tel Aviv.[ref]Bronson Feldman, “Freud and……

Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies

The Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (CSIS) was founded in 1982, “to explore and evaluate Immanuel Velikovsky’s theory of catastrophism and its many implications.”[ref]Advert, Catastrophism……

Cosmos and Chronos

Cosmos and Chronos (C&C) is a non-profit U.S. tax-exempt organization, formed in 1975 by C. J. Ransom at the request of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky.[ref]Personal correspondence,……
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