Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists


Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is a magazine that covers global security and public policy issues, relating to the dangers posed by nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.

Article critical of Velikovsky

The April 1964 issues includes an articles critical of the September 1963 special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist on the Velikovsky affair:

  • Howard Margolis, “Velikovsky Rides Again“, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Apr 1964, 48 pages, Vol. 20, No. 4, ISSN 0096-3402. Published by Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, Inc. (in full at Google Books)

Other articles

Ten years later, the magazine included an article that the SIS Review described as “a comparatively sensible account of Velikovsky’s theories and the attempted suppression of them written by physicist George Kolodiy.”:

  • George Kolodiy, “Velikovsky: Paradigms in Collision“, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Feb 1975, 48 pages, Vol.31, No. 2, ISSN 0096-3402, Published by Educational Foundation for Nuclear Science, Inc. (in full at Google Books)